I hope you like this site! I think it's cool. :)
Hey! Welcome to my cool website! This is just the homepage, but more stuff will be added soon! Anyways, some stuff about me... hmmmmmmmm... well I like drawing pictures! Im gonna add an art gallery to this site later on so you can see my cool drawings :P . I also like some cool shows, like The Owl House and Amphibia! The Owl House is the more popular of the 2 shows, and its amazing! It has so many unique characters and great plot lines, and you should watch it! :3 Amphibia is my favourite of the 2, and if you have seen it you will most likely know why. But if not, it is a show about a silly frog world! It also made me cry like 5 times help aaaaaaaa-
Some video games I like are Splatoon and Celeste! Splatoon is an amazing online shooter that's AUCTUALLY ORIGINAL and INOVATIVE! (im looking at you COD) And it has great plot, not gonna spoil. But Celeste, IS AMAZING! Its a great, fun and really difficult game with an important message about mental health. This game is truly amazing and if you are a GAMER! So yah :P, go check those out.